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What goes well with butternut?

We analyzed over 500,000 recipes to figure out which ingredients makes butternut better. On average, recipes with butternut received a 4.34⭐ review scores. However, in some combinations, review scores improved significantly.
These are the most important combinations we found:

Common combinations

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Remember this is how people score them online. A bad combination might not be a bad combination. It might be hard to cook or people make poor substitutions. If you think it makes sense to use something, just pay extra attention.

Here are some great recipes we found with butternut:

Winter Squash and Wild Mushroom Curry

Winter Squash and Wild Mushroom Curry
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

Pumpkin Spice Cake With Caramel Sauce

Pumpkin Spice Cake With Caramel Sauce
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

Orange-Scented Winter Squash and Carrot Soup

Orange-Scented Winter Squash and Carrot Soup
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.2/10

Rice Pilaf With Pumpkin, Currants and Pine Nuts

Rice Pilaf With Pumpkin, Currants and Pine Nuts
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Tunisian Winter Squash Salad

Tunisian Winter Squash Salad
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Roasted Squash and Red Onion Gratin With Quinoa

Roasted Squash and Red Onion Gratin With Quinoa
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Thai Curried Butternut Squash Soup

Thai Curried Butternut Squash Soup
Review: 4.8/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

Farro With Roasted Squash, Feta and Mint

Farro With Roasted Squash, Feta and Mint
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

Cassolita (Winter Squash With Caramelized Onions)

Cassolita (Winter Squash With Caramelized Onions)
Review: 3/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

Cassolita (Squash With Caramelized Onions)

Cassolita (Squash With Caramelized Onions)
Review: 3/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

Masala Winter Squash

Masala Winter Squash
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Caramelized Winter Squash With Pumpkin Seed Persillade

Caramelized Winter Squash With Pumpkin Seed Persillade
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Japanese-Style Beef Stew

Japanese-Style Beef Stew
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10

Squash and Parsnip Soup

Squash and Parsnip Soup
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10

Creamy (vegan!) Butternut Squash Linguine with Fried Sage

Creamy (vegan!) Butternut Squash Linguine with Fried Sage
Review: 4.5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Corn Bread and Squash Stuffing

Corn Bread and Squash Stuffing
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Roasted Squash With Turmeric-Ginger Chickpeas

Roasted Squash With Turmeric-Ginger Chickpeas
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.5/10

Sheet-Pan Gochujang Chicken and Roasted Vegetables

Sheet-Pan Gochujang Chicken and Roasted Vegetables
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.3/10

Hard Squash Hummus

Hard Squash Hummus
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.3/10

Spicy Caramelized Squash With Lemon and Hazelnuts

Spicy Caramelized Squash With Lemon and Hazelnuts
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.1/10

Brussels Sprouts and Roasted Winter Squash Hash

Brussels Sprouts and Roasted Winter Squash Hash
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.8/10

Roasted Squash With Pancetta and Sage

Roasted Squash With Pancetta and Sage
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.8/10

Roasted Squash and Ginger Noodle Soup With Winter Vegetables

Roasted Squash and Ginger Noodle Soup With Winter Vegetables
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.7/10

Rice Porridge With Squash and Brown Butter

Rice Porridge With Squash and Brown Butter
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.6/10

Fried Winter Squash With Mint

Fried Winter Squash With Mint
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.1/10

Portuguese Pumpkin Preserves

Portuguese Pumpkin Preserves
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 3.9/10

Grand Flanero's Pumpkin Flan

Grand Flanero's Pumpkin Flan
Review: 4.34/5 Dish Dragon Score: 2.9/10

Fast Squash Saute

Fast Squash Saute
Review: 4.34/5 Dish Dragon Score: 2.5/10

Roast Potatoes And Squash

Roast Potatoes And Squash
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 1.1/10

Easy Butternut scones with cheese and herbs

Easy Butternut scones with cheese and herbs
Review: 4.34/5 Dish Dragon Score: 0/10

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