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What goes well with daikon radish?

We analyzed over 500,000 recipes to figure out which ingredients makes daikon radish better. On average, recipes with daikon radish received a 4.41⭐ review scores. However, in some combinations, review scores improved significantly.
Daikon radish is common in korean food

These are the most important combinations we found:

Common combinations

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Remember this is how people score them online. A bad combination might not be a bad combination. It might be hard to cook or people make poor substitutions. If you think it makes sense to use something, just pay extra attention.

Here are some great recipes we found with daikon radish:

Shortcut Banh Mi With Pickled Carrots and Daikon

Shortcut Banh Mi With Pickled Carrots and Daikon
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Caramelized Turnips With Capers, Lemon and Parsley

Caramelized Turnips With Capers, Lemon and Parsley
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Pea, Asparagus And Arugula Chopped Salad

Pea, Asparagus And Arugula Chopped Salad
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Carrot Soup With Ginger, Turmeric and Lime

Carrot Soup With Ginger, Turmeric and Lime
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Sesame Braised Chicken With Scallions, Daikon and Mushrooms

Sesame Braised Chicken With Scallions, Daikon and Mushrooms
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

Soba Noodles With Chicken and Snap Peas

Soba Noodles With Chicken and Snap Peas
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Thai Shrimp Toast With Sesame Seeds

Thai Shrimp Toast With Sesame Seeds
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Chicken Salad With Fennel, Daikon and Scallions

Chicken Salad With Fennel, Daikon and Scallions
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Sesame-Glazed Duck Legs With Spicy Persimmon Salad

Sesame-Glazed Duck Legs With Spicy Persimmon Salad
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Spinach and Tofu Salad

Spinach and Tofu Salad
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

Gingery Chicken Stew

Gingery Chicken Stew
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

No Noodle Pad Thai

No Noodle Pad Thai
Review: 4.5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Thai Inspired Salad

Thai Inspired Salad
Review: 4.41/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Red-Cooked Beef Short Ribs With Daikon

Red-Cooked Beef Short Ribs With Daikon
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Pressure Cooker Kalbi Jjim

Pressure Cooker Kalbi Jjim
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Braised Short Rib Dumplings

Braised Short Rib Dumplings
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Caviar Noodles

Caviar Noodles
Review: 4.41/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Seaweed Salad

Seaweed Salad
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Gyuuniku no Teriyaki - Steak Teriyaki

Gyuuniku no Teriyaki - Steak Teriyaki
Review: 4.8/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Spring Rolls With Carrots, Turnips, Rice Noodles and Herbs

Spring Rolls With Carrots, Turnips, Rice Noodles and Herbs
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Carole Peck's Fresh Cucumber Kimchi

Carole Peck's Fresh Cucumber Kimchi
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Lettuces, Sprouts and Snow Peas With Radish Water

Lettuces, Sprouts and Snow Peas With Radish Water
Review: 4.41/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10

Beef Short Ribs with Star Anise and Tangerine

Beef Short Ribs with Star Anise and Tangerine
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10

Orange and Radish Salad With Pistachios

Orange and Radish Salad With Pistachios
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10


Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Spring Rolls With Tofu, Vegetables, Rice Noodles and Herbs

Spring Rolls With Tofu, Vegetables, Rice Noodles and Herbs
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Shaved Asparagus and Radish Salad

Shaved Asparagus and Radish Salad
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.5/10

Buckwheat Noodles With Ginger and Miso

Buckwheat Noodles With Ginger and Miso
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.3/10

Kimchi, My Way

Kimchi, My Way
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.8/10

Homemade Kimchi

Homemade Kimchi
Review: 4.41/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4.6/10

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