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What goes well with mashed banana?

We analyzed over 500,000 recipes to figure out which ingredients makes mashed banana better. On average, recipes with mashed banana gets 4.63โญ review scores. But in some combinations, review scores get a lot better.
Here comes the combinations we found:

Stand out: baking soda

๐Ÿ‘‡ Show all common combinations with mashed banana๐Ÿ‘‡

Better than not: salt, vanilla

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Remember this is how people score them online. A bad combination might not be a bad combination. It might be hard to cook or people make poor substitutions. If you think it makes sense to use something, just pay extra attention.

Here are some great recipes I found with mashed banana:

Vegan Banana-Nut Muffins
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Banana Split Granola Bars
Review: 4.63/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10

Butter Pecan Banana Bread
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Diabetic Fruit Muffins
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Banana Sheet Cake
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.4/10

Sour Cream Banana Bread
Review: 4.5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.4/10

Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes To Go
Review: 4.86/5 Dish Dragon Score: 4/10

easy banana bread with walnuts
Review: 4.63/5 Dish Dragon Score: 1/10

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