Dish Dragon ai

12 flavors that taste great with preserved lemon

We analyzed over 500,000 recipes to figure out which ingredients makes preserved lemon better. On average, recipes with preserved lemon received a 4.54⭐ review scores. However, in some combinations, review scores improved significantly. Like with chicken.
Preserved lemon is common in moroccan food

These are the most important combinations we found:

Stand out combinations


High potential

Common combinations

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Remember this is how people score them online. A bad combination might not be a bad combination. It might be hard to cook or people make poor substitutions. If you think it makes sense to use something, just pay extra attention.

Here are some great recipes we found with preserved lemon:

Couscous Salad With Dried Apricots and Preserved Lemon

Couscous Salad With Dried Apricots and Preserved Lemon
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Moroccan Shakshuka

Moroccan Shakshuka
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Fish Cakes with Herbs and Chiles

Fish Cakes with Herbs and Chiles
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.5/10

Butterflied Leg of Lamb With Lemon Salsa Verde

Butterflied Leg of Lamb With Lemon Salsa Verde
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.5/10


Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.5/10

Moroccan Chickpeas With Chard

Moroccan Chickpeas With Chard
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.5/10

Charred Shallots With Labneh and Pita

Charred Shallots With Labneh and Pita
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Daniel Boulud’s Chicken Tagine

Daniel Boulud’s Chicken Tagine
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Moroccan Baked Fish With Onions

Moroccan Baked Fish With Onions
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Spring Onion and Cheese Potato Cake, Two Ways

Spring Onion and Cheese Potato Cake, Two Ways
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Cauliflower With Anchovies and Crushed Olives

Cauliflower With Anchovies and Crushed Olives
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Carrot Salad With Cumin and Coriander

Carrot Salad With Cumin and Coriander
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

White Gazpacho With Preserved Lemon

White Gazpacho With Preserved Lemon
Review: 4.54/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.2/10

Spring Vegetable Rago..

Spring Vegetable Rago..
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.2/10

Vegetable Tagine With Jerusalem Artichokes

Vegetable Tagine With Jerusalem Artichokes
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.2/10

Chicken Tagine With Olives and Preserved Lemons

Chicken Tagine With Olives and Preserved Lemons
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Soft-Shell Crab With Preserved Lemon and Almonds

Soft-Shell Crab With Preserved Lemon and Almonds
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

'Orzo con Tutto' Pasta salad

'Orzo con Tutto' Pasta salad
Review: 4.54/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Collard Greens Tagine With Flageolets

Collard Greens Tagine With Flageolets
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Fennel Salad With Anchovy and Olives

Fennel Salad With Anchovy and Olives
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6/10

Moroccan Chicken Salad

Moroccan Chicken Salad
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Roasted Chicken With Preserved Lemons

Roasted Chicken With Preserved Lemons
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Quinoa Bowl With Artichokes, Spring Onions and Peas

Quinoa Bowl With Artichokes, Spring Onions and Peas
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.7/10

Halibut in Foil Packets With North African Flavors

Halibut in Foil Packets With North African Flavors
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.6/10

Saffron Fish With Red Peppers and Preserved Lemon

Saffron Fish With Red Peppers and Preserved Lemon
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.5/10

Watermelon with Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette

Watermelon with Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette
Review: 4.33333/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.4/10

Grilled Bread with Thyme Pesto and Preserved Lemon Cream

Grilled Bread with Thyme Pesto and Preserved Lemon Cream
Review: 3.5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.3/10

Marinated Feta With Herbs and Peppercorns

Marinated Feta With Herbs and Peppercorns
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.2/10

Tangia of Cumin

Tangia of Cumin
Review: 4.54/5 Dish Dragon Score: 3.6/10

Sauteed Chard with Preserved Lemon and Olives

Sauteed Chard with Preserved Lemon and Olives
Review: 4.4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 2.4/10

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