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What goes well with swordfish steaks?

We analyzed over 500,000 recipes to figure out which ingredients makes swordfish steaks better. On average, recipes with swordfish steaks received a 4.29⭐ review scores. However, in some combinations, review scores improved significantly.
These are the most important combinations we found:

High potential

Unfavorable to

Common combinations

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Remember this is how people score them online. A bad combination might not be a bad combination. It might be hard to cook or people make poor substitutions. If you think it makes sense to use something, just pay extra attention.

Here are some great recipes we found with swordfish steaks:

Grilled Swordfish With Pesto-Lemon-Caper Sauce

Grilled Swordfish With Pesto-Lemon-Caper Sauce
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.8/10

Swordfish BLT

Swordfish BLT
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.8/10

Swordfish With Lemon and Fennel

Swordfish With Lemon and Fennel
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.8/10

Grilled Swordfish With Corn Salad

Grilled Swordfish With Corn Salad
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.7/10

Swordfish With Scallions and Cracked Peppercorns

Swordfish With Scallions and Cracked Peppercorns
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.7/10

Broiled Swordfish With Chick Peas and Tomatoes

Broiled Swordfish With Chick Peas and Tomatoes
Review: 3/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.7/10

Seared Swordfish with Tomato-Saffron Coulis

Seared Swordfish with Tomato-Saffron Coulis
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.7/10

Seared Halibut With Anchovies, Capers And Garlic

Seared Halibut With Anchovies, Capers And Garlic
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.7/10

Swordfish Nicoise

Swordfish Nicoise
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.7/10

Swordfish With Tomatoes

Swordfish With Tomatoes
Review: 3/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Grilled Swordfish Steaks With Orange Thyme Sauce

Grilled Swordfish Steaks With Orange Thyme Sauce
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Grilled Swordfish With Smoky Tomato-Anchovy Salsa

Grilled Swordfish With Smoky Tomato-Anchovy Salsa
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.6/10

Curried Swordfish With Tomatoes, Greens and Garlic Toast

Curried Swordfish With Tomatoes, Greens and Garlic Toast
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.5/10

Grilled Swordfish Kebabs With Golden Raisin Chimichurri

Grilled Swordfish Kebabs With Golden Raisin Chimichurri
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.5/10

Swordfish With Green Sauce

Swordfish With Green Sauce
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.4/10

Horseradish-crusted Swordfish Beurre Blanc

Horseradish-crusted Swordfish Beurre Blanc
Review: 4.29/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

Swordfish Piccata

Swordfish Piccata
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

Swordfish With Bread Crumb Salsa

Swordfish With Bread Crumb Salsa
Review: 4.29/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.3/10

Anthony Ibarrondo's Pescado En Escabeche

Anthony Ibarrondo's Pescado En Escabeche
Review: 4.29/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.2/10

Swordfish on Black Bean and Pineapple Salsa

Swordfish on Black Bean and Pineapple Salsa
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.2/10

Swordfish With Couscous Salad

Swordfish With Couscous Salad
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Agghiotta Di Pesce Spada

Agghiotta Di Pesce Spada
Review: 4.29/5 Dish Dragon Score: 6.1/10

Lacquered Swordfish With Green Onions

Lacquered Swordfish With Green Onions
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Spaghetti With Swordfish

Spaghetti With Swordfish
Review: 3/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.9/10

Tamarind Glazed Swordfish with Lime, Cilantro and Tamarind Sauce

Tamarind Glazed Swordfish with Lime, Cilantro and Tamarind Sauce
Review: 5/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Sauteed Swordfish With Fennel

Sauteed Swordfish With Fennel
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.8/10

Jimmy Schmidt's Swordfish With Ginger and Grapefruit

Jimmy Schmidt's Swordfish With Ginger and Grapefruit
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.5/10

Neapolitan Pasta With Swordfish

Neapolitan Pasta With Swordfish
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5.3/10

Grilled Swordfish Steaks With Asian Barbecue Sauce

Grilled Swordfish Steaks With Asian Barbecue Sauce
Review: 4/5 Dish Dragon Score: 5/10

Grilled Swordfish

Grilled Swordfish
Review: 3/5 Dish Dragon Score: 3.3/10

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